Obed Wild and Scenic National River Area

Adventures in Tennessee

Recently, upon arriving in Crossville Tennessee, one of our first adventures was to visit the Obed National Wild and Scenic River Area.  Yes, another National Wild and Scenic River for our 2021 adventures. 

With as much research as Mike does, it amazed me that he had not heard of this National Park until speaking with a Ranger in the nearby visitor center.  We also learned that this park is an International Dark Sky Park! What? Again, we learned something new today.

Anxious to explore this multi-purpose park that features hikes, whitewater paddling and starry night skies our first adventure was a hike to the Lilly Bluff Overlook and then to the Point, about a 5’ish mile easy walk in the woods. The overlook was super nice and it’s where they do the dark sky presentations.

Our second adventure was a Ranger led program at the Lilly Bluff Overlook where we were able to look through telescopes and view Saturn and Jupiter along with lessons on how to capture the Milky Way with your camera.

Dark Sky over the Nemo Bridge
Night Sky from the Lilly Overlook, Obed Wild and Scenic River National Park

A future adventure will be to paddle the free-flowing Obed Wild & Scenic River that offers paddlers views of 500-foot-deep gorges, unspoiled rugged terrain, exceptional waters, and outdoor adventure. This spectacular whitewater river draws seasoned paddlers from all parts of the eastern United States, we were anxious to hit the water BUT ALAS….. like the Buffalo it’s rain dependent and is only navigable in the winter and spring months.

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