Historic Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary

Adventures in Tennessee

Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary was a large maximum-security prison in the town of Petros, Tennessee, operated by the Tennessee Department of Correction. It was established in 1896 and operated until 2009. 

Brushy Mountain was the last place you wanted to find yourself – right in the middle of Tennessee’s first maximum-security prison holding the state’s most violent murderers, robbers and rapists for over a century. With some sentences of 200 years or more, most of the men who walked through its gates would never be walking out.

In 2018, Brushy Mountain was re-opened to the public for tours, private events, car shows, and concerts. Brushy also houses a distillery that produces moonshine, vodka, whisky, and liqueurs.

Our first stop was the Warden’s Table for a late lunch. As is typical when traveling, we did a Google review search and with an above-average rating we gave it a try. We were not disappointed in their themed décor and their options of tasteful, fresh-daily dishes made with the highest-quality ingredients that emphasize southern cuisine.

I went with the Killer Potato —- YUMMY. Mike had the Pulled Pork plate with Criminal Caviar and Mac & Cheese —- YUMMY.

Next up on our agenda was the the self-guided tour with a hand held pamphlet and plaques along the way to narrate. The website quote “The stories that live on at Brushy. The voices that echo down “3 Walk.” They’re all yours to witness.” is too true. I felt a little eerie wandering the grounds. Maybe, if I was a little braver, I would do the ghost tour. I bet that is interesting. We listed to the movie in the museum where we got an even deeper understanding of the environment at Brushy through the years.

Famous and notorious residents at Brushy.

Famous Notorious Prisoners

There was a code for kindness to animals. In the early ’70s a deer had fallen into the facility and was cared for and named Geronimo.

Next was the tasting at the Brushy Mountain Distillery. Mike did a tasting of the flavored moonshine with a lovely young lady running the bar. We opted not to purchase anything but you should definitely give it a try.


Dream Big, Travel Far, Live Well…

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