Laurel Falls – Hike

Laurel Falls

Adventures in
Cherokee National Forest

Located in the congressionally designated Pond Mountain Wilderness, Laurel Falls is a popular destination for hikers due to its immense size (40’ high & 50’ wide) and picturesque setting. The hike to the falls can be challenging and requires good footwear and physical ability.

There are two prefered routes for reaching the falls: either by way of the nearly 5.5 mile Hampton Blueline/Laurel Falls Trail (#501) combined with a hike along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (#1), or the more moderate route along the Appalachian Trail from Dennis Cove (approximately 2.6 miles roundtrip).

We trekked the more moderate route along the AT from Dennis Cove for the approximate 3-mile round trip. AllTrails lists it as moderate and we would agree. Although the meager elevation gain of 469 ft. is not difficult it does take a little amount of physical endurance and maneuvering around the rocky terrain can be tricky. The different and varying rock stairs make for interesting terrain.

This particular section of the AT (Appalachian Trail) is beautiful. 

The falls were really flowing because of all of the recent rainfall. Another admirer, a frequent visitor to the trail, said it was the prettiest she has seen.

Laurel Falls
Laurel Falls
Bridge to cross along the trail.

At the Trail Head, we met Marlene Simpson, an AT Trail Angel. If you’ve never heard of a Trail Angel, they are people who go out of their ways to make life a little (or sometimes a lot) better for long haul or thru hikers, even just day hikers in trouble.

Marlene was lovely to talk with and provided us with beautiful poem that you may enjoy:

A Healing

The forest calls, “Come, steal away;
I’ve gifts for you this frazzled day;
Come, hike my path to its fair end;
the journey’s joys are yours, my friend.
Come roam my wood. Let down your care.
Find peace and pure refreshing air.
Come, wander trails that tranquilize
search out my streams, some grant a prize,
where rock-faced grottos welcome all
to witness lovely waterfalls.
Find respite in my beauty spots;
they call to you, ‘Forget me not.’

Here, ancient rhythms softly change,
breathe calm midst trees and mountain range.
And even in the winter snow –
with temps near freezing or below –
my falls provide a wondrous sight:
their still-life, icicled delight.

Be still and hear my cascades sing,
my soothing, gurgling mountain springs.
Unwind enfolded in my arms;
enjoy my simple woodland charms.
Embrace sweet blessings I afford –
a healing balm from Christ, the Lord.”
compliments of:

We give this adventure a……

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Dream Big, Travel Far, Live Well…

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